~Allies in the fight against The Organization~

The Green Glare Irregulars are trusted comrades in the time war against The Organization, everyday men and women (bored internet users) who find kindred spirits in the CTRL and want to organize and help fight back against the bleakness of the world in any way they can. Or just find common cause in what we stand for and want to come together to create art and discuss things they can't elsewhere on the net, without joining the CTRL proper.

This isn't just a title or badge just for the hell of it, we plan on creating a means by which anyone interested can actually join and be a Green Glare Irregular; we are considering creating a newsletter, or a special forum, even a Discord server- something, just so we can actually talk with you all (if "you all" ever materialize) and be able to better organize with like-minded folk.

[Link Pending]

Particularly stand-out Green Glare Irregulars will be granted Honorary Netscape Knight/Auxiliary Lab Member status and listed here on this page. What are the benefits of this? For now; basically, we'll plug your socials here if you got any. lol.

[Auxiliary Lab Members]