[Archive of Previously Recovered Episodes]
A Brief Background
Uncovered along with assets from the show itself in January of 2022 on a series of old harddrives given to a Schizopunk Media member by a (formerly) estranged friend, Cinema Cyberia appears to have been an amateur MST3K rip-off web series from the late 00's/early 2010s that doesn't seem to have ever gotten any traction before any and all trace of it was mysteriously wiped off the internet for reasons currently unknown.
What we've been able to uncover so far shows a crude, partially CG show in which alternative versions of some Schizopunk Media members and a friend of the SM team simply watch old b-movies together while purportedly trapped within some kind of futuristic virtual reality program against their will. Where things get strange is that despite evidence indicating the channel and/or website the series was originally being uploaded to ceased operation sometime in 2015 or 2016, these alternative versions of the team and associates appear to make references to and even commentary on events that had yet to happen or that the average person had no clear, substanciated knowledge of at the time- on top of having originally been uploaded BEFORE any of the individuals seemingly involved even knew each other.
The recovered video files also appear to have been edited to remove the show's credits and opening; making identification of who actually made the show almost impossible.
For aesthetic reasons, we at Schizopunk Media opted to create our own short replacement intro for our uploads at the very least until the actual one is found.
If you know anything about this show, ever watched it when it was originally being uploaded, or know of or even have any other existing uploads of this show; please don't hesitate to contact us.